Empowering Voices, Fostering a Culture of Respect!

The recently concluded seminar ‘OOPS! BAWAL ANG BASTOS – A Safe Space Act discussion of the Child Protection Program’ was an eye-opening journey towards building a safer world for our children. The seminar was participated by both college and BED students last Friday, March 16, 2024.

Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod’s Vice President for Student Affairs Office of the Over-all Discipline, in partnership with the GLOBAL UGRAD SCHOLARS OF THE PHILIPPINES ALUMNI ASSOCIATION and US GOVERNMENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION-NEGROS, brought together an interactive discussion on the importance of creating environments where everyone feels respected and heard.

Thanks to the brilliant guest speaker, Atty. Aloi Renz P. Santos, the seminar was an over-all success!

Let’s continue to champion safe spaces for all to ensure every child grows up in a nurturing and respectful environment.


source: https://www.facebook.com/ColegioSanAgustin.Bacolod/posts/791221926370430
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