In preparation for the PAASCU accreditation visit to the seven programs, Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod invited Dr. Ma. Encarnacion Dychangco, the chair on Commission of Health, Sciences and Education of PAASCU, for an orientation workshop on the use of the new instrument on May 28, 2024 at CSA-Bacolod auditorium.
Fifty-five participants composed of administrators, lay administrators chairs and co-chairs of the different areas coming from nine programs to be accredited attended the said orientation-workshop.
The tertiary programs, on one hand, which will be visited on September 30-October 01, 2024 are: BS in Pharmacy and BS in Hospitality Management, both for formal survey, BS in Medical Technology, Resurvey for level 2, BS in Tourism Management, Resurvey for Level 1 and BS in Information Technology, Resurvey for Level 2. The Senior High School, on the other hand, will be for Preliminary survey on November 25-26, 2024. For the next academic year, the Nursing program, Resurvey leading to level 4, will be visited on October 20-21, 2025.
With the board examination results to be at par or above the national passing as a major requirement for PAASCU application, more programs like those of the engineering and Accountancy will be subjected to accreditation. With the Level 3 accreditation passing result during the October 16-17, 2023 visit of the Core programs like BS in Business Administration, BS in Psychology, BS in Secondary Education and BS in Elementary Education, more non-board programs will also be subjected to PAASCU accreditation. The school will also try the ISA and PACUCOA in order to explore other accreditation agencies.