CSA-Bacolod Holds Augustinian Formation Activity for Service Awardees

With the upcoming 16th recognition of CSA-Bacolod employees on July 05, 2024 at La Proa Function Hall, L’ Fisher Hotel, Bacolod City, the Human Resource Management and Development Office facilitated the Formation Activity for Service Awardees at the Mini-Audio-Visual room, Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod on June 27, 2024 with the theme, “Rooted in Faith, Growing in Service: Celebrating our Augustinian Journey with the speaker, Fr. Raymundo Edsel T. Alcayaga, OSA, the Vice-president for Augustinian Formation, Religious Affairs and Mission (VPAFRAM).

Thirty-nine participants were readied by Fr. Alcayaga, through a three-hour formation input and activity which revolved around two points, namely, rooted in faith and growing in service. “The law of praying is the law of believing.” This was emphasized by the Father speaker to mean that what one prays is what one believes (lex orandi, lex credende) because the humanity has a God who is powerful. In fact, Fr. Alcayaga said, the attendees have not reached this far or survived, as in length of service, if they are not rooted in faith. As for his second point, Fr. Alcayaga cited Epistle 21, “nothing in life more difficult than the office of…but nothing’s more blessed in the sight of God if the service is in accordance with the Captain’s order…” With this, the speaker asked the assembly, “How does one exercise one’s service in CSA-Bacolod?” It is not the length but how one exercises one’s ministry, explained Fr. Alcayaga supplementing it with Rule 12 which says, “Consider yourself happy when you serve with charity” and Sermon 340,1 which posits The more you love, the less you work, for either you do not work at all, or love the work you do. He, further, asked, “What does one contribute to one’s self-growth?” This he answered, “Small or big contribution, one needs to be fruitful”, closing it with De Musica, 6 which capsulizes, “Teaching through witnessing…

The recognition of employees, which happens every two years, has been a look-forward-to occasion for CSA-Bacolod because the response speech always comes from the longest-staying employee, well-chosen by the committee as he/she speaks of his/her servitude, dedication and loyalty and for July 5, 2024, the slot is given to Fatima Manlangit, 36 years, with June 01, 1988 as her entry to the community. With Mrs. Manlangit, will be those who have stayed for 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 and more years, in the academic community. With the service awardees, the academic completers of masteral and doctorate studies will also be recognized on the said date.

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