CHAP Serpents Seized Overall Champs In College Days ’24

College of Health and Allied Profession’s Slithering Serpent’s shrieks filled the CSA-B Open Court as they were crowned the overall champion during the College Days 2024, garnering 1920 house points throughout the event.

Fueling their way to the top, the Serpents bagged golds in most games of the College Days including the same-day events such as the Cheer dance Competition, Sashy Soiree, Cosplay, Open Style’s Best Male Battler, and the Open Style Group Category.

College of Accountancy, Business Education, and Computer Studies (CABECS) Roaring Lions stood as 1st runner-up with 1750 points, College of Arts, Sciences, and Education (CASE) Blazing Dragons placed as 2nd runner with 1620 points, with the College of Engineering (COE) Mighty Tigers seeding last with 1530 points.


Source: The Eagle Facebook Page
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